Thursday, August 27, 2009

She Got Pipes!

"She Got Pipes!" - A veteran girl guide with extremely large muscles.

      Keegan and I were able to have the great adventure of water rafting last Monday. In preparation for our thrilling experience we were each given a piece of paper outlining the lingo, tips, and safety rules for our rafting extravaganza. "She Got Pipes" has become our most favorite phrase and seems to be catching on quickly with our friends. Here's a handy tip for you folks out there... If you want to impress your girl friend (or get one for that matter), wife, or possibly just give your mom the best compliment she could ever receive, all you simply have to say is,
"You got pipes!"
Keegan and I like to mix it up and throw in some random accents in there. Australian, British, and Icelandian all seem to work the best. They really live in up the phrase.
Also, girls, on occasion you can throw in a "He's Got Pipes" if you are feeling extremely charitable. Remember to use it sparingly though because it is a very life changing and meaningful phrase that can make boys turn into men.

P.S. Keegan is 6' 2" (I'm standing on a curb)


  1. And how do you use the phrase, "You got pipes!" ? Is it said when someone is yelling really loud? I need to start this craze over here in Savannah, so let me know. By the way, cutest blog name EVER. You two are so cute together and I am happy that you were paired up. It's rare that the first roommate situation at college is a pleasant guys are lucky!! Love you Linds!

    P.S. Look at my blog and see how BIG my preggo belly is getting!! Yikes!!

  2. I can't wait for someone to say that to me, so I can finally become a man!

  3. I know right Phil?! Just you wait.
    Your time will come, your time will come. =]
