"All old men look the same!"
The other day my mother and I were coming out of Thrive Fitness center after a good workout. On the way out a nice old man held the door open for us and smiled. **For this story a side note is needed.** Before my church received its present pastor it had a interim pastor named Jerry Cook. Jerry Cook is an older, friendly man; a stereotypical great grandpa figure. Well on the way out of thrive fitness center my mom thought that this older gentleman was Jerry Cook. I knew it wasn't. Haha.. she began to carry a full on conversation with this older man who was simply so confused.
Mother: "Hey Jerry!... How are you doing?"
"Jerry": "errhhhh... uhhhh?"
Mother: "It is me Kelly, from Living word"
"Jerry": "Ohhh uhhh?"
Mother: "How's Barbara?"
"Jerry": "Oh yes, Hi Barbara.."
Mother: "No I'm not Barbara, Your wife. How is she doing? I heard you were going on vacation"
"Jerry": "oh erhhh.. yeah.. well we were going to Arizona and erhh..."
Mother: "Well it was good seeing you. Talk to you later"
hahah.. Poor old man. He never saw it coming. Once the car doors were fully closed I burst into laughter. "Mom, that wasn't Jerry Cook."...... "What?!... Dangit.. All old men look the same!
Hahaha.. Mom. I love her. Poor old unsuspecting man though. Haha.. After this incident my mom said that it would be really funny to go up to random old guys and pretend like you know them. "They might start thinking the Alzheimer set in early" haha that was her exact wording. Oh man. Has this kind of incident ever happened to you? I would love to hear about it. Got to love the adventures of life.