Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Great "Woogie"

I have to admit, I'm a little jealous of Lindsey's adorable posts and adventures off in Georgia and such. My adventures are a little smaller, but they happen at my nanny job. The picture below is the adorable toddler I spend most of my time with. She's such a little ball of energy and joy. She only knows the words "momma," "dada," and "milk." (not bad for 15 months old). So, she doesn't know my name. Instead she points at me and says, "Woogie!" I have no idea where she got it, but I am now the great woogie (I added the great part, makes me feel better about being a woogie, whatever that is)

I have also come to realize that my resume will look a little strange after I'm done with this job. Under the "Special Skills" section I am going to write:

-Silly face maker
-Excellent Animal noise maker
-Making baby food appetizing
-Nap-time ninja
-Peek-a-boo expert
-Story time artist
-Variety of silly (sometimes strange) voices for all occasions

That's how I roll, peeps.

1 comment:

  1. Hahah. You are so cute. I miss you dearly. I wish I could be a great writer like you. =]

    P.S. The kids at Allie's work call her "Mimo".. Ever since she started the 2 year old just gave her that name.. Make no sense. but it's awesome. haha
