Saturday, June 12, 2010

Unrevealed Treasures.

So this post is mostly for my sister Allie but I will privilege you all to it as well =] . Before I left Georgia I took a lot of pictures and videos of little H. He is so adorable and I miss him dearly, I can't help but share him again with you all.

(Allie, I didn't edit any of these photos just in case you wanted them on your blog. =] )

Love you Allie.



  1. These all cracked me up so much! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Uploading all of them to my computer right now!!

    love you!

  2. Henry how do you feel about that?

    ppfffftttt *lawn mower noise**


  3. Hahaha.. At least he reciprocates for you =]
