Thursday, April 29, 2010

How we're coping with the stress of finals

So, it's just past half way through dead week and we've finally snapped. As you can see from the picture below, I'm walking around in Eugene in a batman/sherriff costume along with some other interesting characters. To help conteract this mental breakdown spreading like wildfire in the student body, they brought in puppies, ice cream, and coloring books in an attempt to restore minimal sanity to stressed out college students. In restrspect, they could just not make finals so difficult and then we wouldn't be at a breaking point, but it might be worth it if it means I spend an hour playing with 6-week old border-collie pups instead of studying. (I'm procastinating further by blogging about it now, but it is my civic duty to our readers) Much love.


  1. Oh no I didn't think they'd let batman be an RA! Well I guess that will make life interesting next semester having a basketball playing, batman, sherriff, RA...

  2. interesting doesn't even being to describe it hahaha
