Thursday, July 15, 2010

Creatures lurking in my kitchen sink: a conspiracy confirmed

As a small child, I was suspicious of everything. Any dark corner, nook & cranny, or closet could contain a monster at any given moment. I was also pretty sure that the downstairs of my house turned into hot lava at night and there was an octopus living in the garbage disposal. Adults always told me that I just had an "over active imagination" and that it was silly to worry. Okay, so they might be right about the overactive imagination part (I'm still pretty sure the floor turns to hot lava at night) today I discovered a monster in my kitchen sink! Take that adults! It all started as I was doing the dishes this morning. I lifted up the frying pan to being washing it when something came crawling up from underneath it! It was a little baby lizard and I had almost drowned him! I quickly rescued him and dried him off. Ok, so he's just a little baby monster, that doesn't mean his parents aren't still lurking about somewhere....(queue dramatic music fit for someone with paranoia)

1 comment:

  1. Awwww! Man.. I love little lizards! Oh man.. I am jealous.. but also very proud of you for embracing the monster. =]
