Friday, July 2, 2010


I will blog. I will blog. I will blog! 

I'm sorry everyone. I have completely slacked in my blogging efforts. Not only have I been extremely busy and utterly exhausted at the end of every work day... I have also have got to thinkin.. 

It's been quite difficult to blog. Throughout my days I ponder about what things will intrigued and capture my many desperate readers.  I try my hardest to conjure up some great stories, jokes, photos, etc. to satisfy your guys' craving souls.. but I realized.. all I got is my life. Haha.. I realized how boring it must be to read about what I have done EVERYDAY. Hahah. I guess it should have hit me sooner.. Not everyone is interested in what my days involve. I'm finding that I feel more and more conceded with each post. I'm not meaning to be self-centered. I guess all blogs are this way? I want to give you guys more in depth posts; more meaningful, life-changing material.. haha.. but I got nothing. I think from now on I'm just going to random blog post it up. Are you prepared for a roller coaster of posts? Be prepared to laugh.. to cry.. to be surprised.. =P Haha.. just kidding. 

For now, this is all I got. I'll keep posting about myself. Because that's just what I do. 

I miss you all. I hope summer is great!



  1. i have been really feeling this lately too linds....

  2. Good. I'm glad I'm not alone. I have been missing you like crazy lately! Like a fat kid on a diet misses chocolate cake! That's how badly I miss you. =] I love you.

  3. well i like hearing about the boring everyday stuff. so there.

  4. Haha.. I realized this post could of easily turned into a "woe is me" sort of post.. haha.. Not what I was going for. haha. I will keep blogging about my boring adventures just for you, love =]

  5. Hey, I love that thing that you do. Even if you think that it's boring do.So keep dishin' out your doo doo!
