Monday, May 17, 2010

Some of my favorite people.

Yesterday was the best day since I have been back. I was able to go to my home church and see all of my wonderful old friends. After church we had a party in celebration of my mom's birthday, my birthday, Megan returning and me leaving for Pennsylvania. We had family friends over and even the boys from my old school, HomeConnection, showed up.

Oh goodness.. I can't even begin to describe how good it was to hang out with my HomeConnection comrades again. Kristen, Greg, Jace and I, towards the end of the partaaay, just sat on my porch and reminisced over old memories and also discussed what's new in our lives. Oh goodness. It was so grand!

I don't even know how to describe it. It's like, we are finally in a stage of our lives where enough time has passed  that we can finally discuss things that were forbidden or too awkward in junior high. We talked about old crushes, funny moments, all our "check yes or no if you like me" letters, etc.; practically all the good, essential stuff that needs to be talked about in life =P.

After it got too cold on the porch we bundled up and watched the sunset at the beach, continuing to be full of laughter and cheery faces. We threw rocks in the water and sat on beach logs until a park ranger came and kicked us out. We then went to Safeway and got ice cream. Upon returning home we cracked open old letters that I had saved from the boys and Kristen. Oh geez.. We I definitely laughed to the point of obnoxious tears.

Oh man.. It was truly a great time. I love my old friends so much and I am so glad that we all continue to be close and have a good time even after all these years. It has probably been six or seven years that we have all known each other.

Hanging out with them really reminded me of the NCU gang in Eugene. We are already really close, I can't wait to see what we are like in the years to come. After college I hope that we can all come back together and discuss the memories we are making now. Just like Greg, Jace, Kristen and I reminisced over our junior high and high school memories, the NCU gang will too laugh over the all the memories of Keegan and I pwning, the boys always losing =P, water balloon fights, concerts, and all the hangout Sundays.

I love my friends.

Thank you Greg, Jace, and Kristen for a wonderful time.


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